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Welcome to BBCC!
Thanks for checking us out online. We hope you find what you’re looking for and that we get to meet you soon. We’ve put a few helpful details below in the What to Expect section and if we’ve missed something please let us know.
What we haven’t said is that we’re a multi-cultural, multi-generational church of about 160 people with about 100 people gathering most Sundays. About forty percent of our whanau comes from various parts of India and the rest from all over the world, including New Zealand.
Most of us live in Blockhouse Bay or the surrounding suburbs but we’ve also got people travelling from further away because they sense this is a place to belong.
Our service style is more contemporary than traditional and we’re committed to creating an environment which welcomes people into God’s presence to experience His love and life.
We believe the Bible is God’s word and therefore as relevant today as it’s always been. We do our best to teach the Bible in relevant ways and to live under its authority.
I love being part of this church family and hopefully you will too.
Rev Andrew Marshall & Fiona Marshall
Senior Pastor
What to Expect
Sunday Morning is our main gathering from 10.30 – 12.00ish.
Children stay in the service for the first 30 minutes and are then welcomed into our Crèche and Kidz Quest children’s programme. Crèche is supervised with a video link to the service and is for children under 3. Parents are welcome to stay if they want to. Kidz Quest is for children from 3 to year 10.
Communion is offered to committed Christ followers most weeks, with children joining us for the first Sunday each month at their parents discretion.
After the service, Prayer Teams are available for prayer and support; and refreshments are provided to fuel some great conversations.
Our main driveway entrance has been moved slightly to accommodate the large Watercare Central Interceptor Project, so slow down for the familiar orange cones and make your way down the driveway, across the bridge to our carpark. If you are bringing elderly or disabled people, you can drop them off at the front door under the covered roof area. On your way home, please use the exit drive to the east.
Children stay in the service for the first 30 minutes and are then welcomed into our Crèche and Kidz Quest children’s programme. Crèche is supervised with a video link to the service and is for children under 3. Parents are welcome to stay if they want to. Kidz Quest is for children from 3 to year 10.
Adults have the opportunity to take communion most weeks and children are welcome to join us once a month at their parents discretion.
A range of Small Groups operate throughout the week and we also run a regular Sunday Night series which has an equipping focus with a small group vibe.
Pastor Andrew and Pastor Tyler work with our Elders to provide spiritual oversight at BBCC, and you’ll meet one, or all of them, at our Sunday services. We also have staff members, Carolyn and May, doing all sorts of amazing things behind the scenes, and a group of gifted and passionate ministry leaders helping make BBCC a great place to belong.
Plan Your Visit
Here you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
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Have Questions or Need Prayer?
We’d love to hear from you! Contact us and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.